Investment fund savings plan

Investment fund savings plan

Make your money go further

With our VP Bank Nova Save investment fund savings plan you can participate in financial market performance, even if you only want to invest a small amount. Take your future into your own hands and make regular investments in order to benefit over the long term.

Our VP Bank Nova Save investment fund savings plan is particularly suitable for investors with a long-term outlook who would like to invest over an extended period of time. It offers the opportunity of investing money regularly and thus building up assets over time. Thanks to broad capital diversification you can minimise risk and profit from capital market opportunities. You can decide yourself how much to save and also change or pause payments at any time.

The benefits of VP Bank Nova Save

Opportunities for higher returns
Flexible savings investment
Targeted savings

VP Bank Nova Save

With our VP Bank Nova Save investment fund savings plan you set up your own savings plan comprised of thematic funds and strategy funds. For thematic funds you set the thematic priorities in which you would like to invest. In line with your risk profile, your portfolio will be given a solid basis with strategy funds. Set up your own individual investment fund savings plan in just a few clicks.

My individual investment fund savings plan

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Investing in future trends - VP Bank theme funds

Investing in future trends - VP Bank theme funds

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What do we mean by risk tolerance?

What do we mean by risk tolerance?

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Your fund savings plan

How does VP Bank Nova Save work?

You can transfer money into your VP Bank Nova Save account as often you like and whenever you like by a straightforward standing order, or alternatively by making one-off payments. You don’t necessarily have to save and invest large amounts of money. Even if you invest the minimum amount of CHF 100 you can potentially receive more than you would by leaving your cash on a savings account. By combining this with the VP Nova Next banking package you can also benefit from fantastic conditions with an all-in fee of 0.25%.

Wealth creation for an investment fund savings plan vs. a savings account

Wealth creation for an investment fund savings plan

Amount saved per month

Savings accumulated after 20 years




Your asset growth

Your asset growth after 20 years

Your assets after 20 years

… with a savings account

1'243 25'243
… invested in a fund 12'503 36'503

The above graph is intended to illustrate how investing in a fund works (e.g. with an investment fund savings plan). The calculation has assumed standard returns for individual product types (savings account 0.5%; fund 4.0%). The growth indicated is not guaranteed, but is rather based on past values, and is therefore not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any fees arising are not taken into account in the calculation and will have the effect of reducing performance.


What exactly are investment funds and how do they work?

An investment fund is a financial product that pools the money of a large number of investors in order to invest it collectively in various securities such as equities, bonds or real estate. The fund is managed by a professional fund manager who sets the investment strategy at the start and carefully selects securities.

Investment funds offer investors a variety of benefits. First of all, they enable broad portfolio diversification as the money is invested in a range of different securities and sectors. This results in the optimisation of the risk/return ratio and means that potential losses can be balanced out. Secondly, investment funds are also suitable for small investors as they can invest even low amounts.

There are various types of investment fund, which differ in terms of their investment strategy and risk tolerance. Each fund has its own advantages and drawbacks and is suitable for different client preferences.

Overall, investment funds offer an attractive opportunity for accumulating wealth over the long term and taking advantage of capital market opportunities. However, investors should obtain precise information concerning the various funds and carefully choose their investment strategy before they decide to invest.

Our investment funds

VP Bank thematic funds

With VP Bank thematic funds you can invest in companies and sectors that benefit from future trends and that accordingly have above-average growth potential. We have set up one fund each for the economic sectors of consumption, industry and infrastructure. As such, the equity funds are called VP Bank Future Citizen, VP Bank Future Industry and VP Bank Future Infrastructure.

VP Bank thematic funds

VP Bank strategy funds

With VP Bank strategy funds you invest in a broadly diversified manner in the most important asset classes worldwide. Allocation to various markets and regions forms the foundation of creating wealth, as the risk of price fluctuations is minimised.

VP Bank strategy funds